David Rowlands UK Independence Party MANY people believe that the UK Independence Party is only concerned with Europe. So why stand candidates in this election?

Well, the fact is we are the only party which believes that the General Election should be the most important election of all because we are the only party which believes that the power to govern the British people should be kept entirely in the hands of the Westminster Parliament.

Every other major democratic party in this election will give more of this Parliament's powers away to Europe.

The Tories have already given much away by signing up to the Treaty of Rome (Edward Heath), The Single European Act (Margaret Thatcher), the Maastrict Treaty (John Major) and the Treaty of Amsterdam.

And the Liberal Democrats have pledged their support to the European Constitution, which, despite what they say, will undoubtedly pass more powers (they cunningly call them competences in the document) to Brussels. Indeed, the Liberal Democrats are all for charging headlong into Europe, whatever the cost to the British people.

It is noticeable that every party, apart from UKIP, are ignoring the European factor in this election. Why? Already 70% of the rules, regulations and laws which govern our everyday lives in this country have come from Europe.

So they are asking you to vote on only 30% of the power to govern you. And each of them is pledged to surrender more of this 30% to Brussels when in office.

Finally, what about the impact on the British economy brought about by unchecked immigration into this country? A million every 6-7 years.

Each and every immigrant must be housed, be given education, access to free National Health Social Services and contribute to our huge transport problems. How can any government accurately predict the impact of an unknown figure of future immigration on all these essential services? Whilst we remain in Europe, despite what the Tories say, we can have no control over who comes to this country.

If they have a European passport we cannot check on a person's criminal background, his health needs, his skills, his language abilities, his financial status or indeed anything which might adversely affect his entry. He is a legitimate economical migrant.

And you still think Europe doesn't matter in this election?