Dr Bill Morgan Conservative DR Bill Morgan has lived in Newport for the past 25 years. For 20 years he was the senior accident consultant in the accident department of the Royal Gwent Hospital, and now works as a specialist throughout South Wales.

His three children attended Bassaleg Comprehensive School, where he is a governor. In 2004 he won a city council seat from Labour to represent the Marshfield Ward.

He believes passionately in the National Health Service and equality of opportunity for all in education.

Dr Morgan says: "It is a disgrace that Labour members of Parliament have washed their hands of the appalling state of the Welsh health service.

"The fact that the Conservatives are having a referendum on the future of the Assembly means that as your member of Parliament I will have tremendous influence on the future direction of Welsh healthcare, unlike the present MP for Newport West.

"My three children went to university from a local comprehensive school. Under a Conservative government they did not come out saddled with debt.

"Labour is practising the most litist policy on education seen in the last 50 years."