THE future of an under-threat Newport leisure centre looks secure today as councillors support proposals for a community take-over.

Last month the city council announced it was reviewing the future of Underwood leisure centre.

The building needs urgent electrical and repair work costing around £1m, and closing it would save £140,000 a year.

But residents, angry that one of their few community facilities is in danger, have rallied to its defence.

Now their plans to place the centre into the hands of a charitable trust look likely to be given the official seal of approval.

A meeting of the council's scrutiny forum for culture and recreation this week agreed to support the community's initiative.

It means the facility, which locals claim is "at the heart" of their community, will be safe.

Speaking after the scrutiny forum meeting, ward councillor Carole Atwell said: "I am positive about the future of the centre.

"We can look forward now."

Putting the centre into the hands of a trust would allow it to apply for grants to complete the necessary repair work.

It would also slash taxes so running costs would fall from £140,000 to around £100,000.

The scrutiny forum's views will now be put to the cabinet member for culture and recreation, Councillor John Guy, who will make the final decision.

Now the community are appealing to the council to ensure the centre remains open while the necessary electrical repair work is completed. The forum had heard that the centre would need to be closed for 12 weeks while the work takes place.

But, Councillor Atwell said: "We believe the work can be done in a phased way which will avoid having to shut the centre completely."

The centre currently employs 12 staff and has a sports hall, practice hall, fitness gym, squash court, bar, outdoor court and function room.

A nursery group of 38 youngsters also depends on the building.