RESIDENTS of Hafodyrynys are calling for action to be taken on the "notorious" stretch of the A472, which runs through their village.

Andrew Lewis, the chairman of Hafodyrynys Community Association, yesterday released a statement on behalf of the community.

"The village has had time to reflect on the tragic accident and now express their anger at the notorious road through the village and down to Crumlin," he said.

"There have been many accidents on this stretch of road in the past. "Despite petitions from the community not a great deal has changed, with traffic increasing to unacceptable levels.

"We feel the time has come for a bypass." He and his wife Merilyn, who have lived in the village for 35 years, said it was a close-knit community, where everyone knew all those involved in the accident.

They said there had been many other accidents on the road and several "lucky escapes" as well

Mrs Lewis said two of her great-nephews and her great-niece were among the ten children on the minibus.

Two received minor injuries but one of the boys is still in hospital with a fractured pelvis.

She said when the accident happened, she and other relatives of the children congregated at the top of the hill - around the corner from the scene of the accident.

They were not allowed past the police cordon and only knew that the school minibus had overturned.

"I am not particularly religious but I prayed at the top of that hill. "It is a miracle that anyone got out alive," she added.

She added she wanted to thank Nevill Hall Hospital, Abergavenny, for their excellent care, the emergency services and all the motorists who stopped at the scene to help the injured children.