FEEL the force at an event being held this Sunday which is sure to prove a hit with both young and older Star Wars fans.

Two special guests are due to attend one of the regular sci-fi and comic fairs held at Newport Leisure Centre.

Actress Femi Taylor played slave dancer Oola in Return of the Jedi and she will be beaming into Newport along with a fully-functioning R2D2. Both Femi and the popular robot will be available between 12 noon and 3pm to have photographs taken with members of the public and sign autographs.

It should give fans something to keep them going while they wait for the release of the latest, and last, in the series. Episode 3 - Return of the Sith is due to be released later this month.

Dealers from all over Britain are due to attend the fair offering a wide selection of collectable items, not just related to Star Wars.

Comics, trading cards, toys and action figures will be on sale as will film and television-related memorabilia.

The fair opens at noon and admission costs £1.50 for adults, £1 for under-12s and is free for under-nines.