A TEENAGE bowls player fought off tough competition -- including from her twin sister -- to become Welsh Champion.

Now, as Kelly Pack-wood prepares to fly the flag for her country at the British and World Championships, her sister is supporting her.

For six years, identical twins Kelly and Kerry from Plas-y-Coed, Pontnewyn-ydd, have injected youthful glamour into a sport normally associated with grey-haired pensioners.

Earlier this month, Kelly won through to take the title of under-25 champion of Wales, only narrowly missing a head-to-head final with her sister.

But the 18-year-old Coleg Gwent students, who began playing bowls when they were 12, say sibling rivalry isn't a problem.

Kelly said: "I wasn't worried about the chance of playing Kerry in the final; we just would have played our best and got on with it.

"We are supportive of each other."

But Kelly did admit that looking so much alike and playing the same sport did cause a few problems.

She said: "People at competitions can sometimes get us mixed up but those who know us can easily tell us apart."

The girls' mum, Norah, said she was proud of both her daughters.

She said: "They have always been close and they help each other and train together all the time.

"If they do ever have to play each other I will support them both."

Kelly will now go on to represent her country at the British Indoor Bowls Championships in Prestwick, Scotland, and in the world championships in Jersey.

For her part, Kerry says she's not jealous of her sister's success and will be supporting her all the way.

She said: "I was happy Kelly won the Welsh title. I even took a day off college so I could watch. I'm definitely going to be at the British and World championships cheering her on."