ARMED police swooped on a Newport street today after gun fire was heard and a man was found with stab wounds.

Residents said the incidents were the culmination of a gangland feud which had been going on for weeks.

Police were called after reports of three gun shots in the Pill area in the early hours of this morning.

A man with stab wounds was later found near Kwik Save.

Four police officers - two of them armed - stood guard on Francis Drive today which was sealed off as forensic officers took photographs and gathered evidence.

A Land Rover with two bullet entries in its rear window was also being examined.

Four men were being quizzed by police and the injured man was said to be in a stable condition at the Royal Gwent in Newport.

Some locals claimed two gangs had clashed.

A resident who did not wish to be named, said: "My daughter saw an argument break out in the early evening when she saw some young men slapping another man around.

"I just shut the door because I was so afraid. It's been quite quiet normally but there is a gang of men who are in their twenties who hang around here."

Another neighbour, who also did not wish to named said: "We heard that a fight had broken out in the early evening and it kicked off again later on.

"This is the second time we have had trouble down here in the last few days. Last Friday evening all the area was cordoned off."

A Gwent Police spokesman said: "Although we are in the early stages of this inquiry it is believed to be an isolated incident. The public can be reassured that the use of firearms in Newport is extremely rare and Gwent police are taking this matter extremely seriously."

Police have appealed for anyone with information to contact them on 01633 838111 or to contact Crimestoppers on 0500 111555.