GWENT council chiefs are accused of planning the redevelopment of a school site before a decision has been reached about its closure.

Campaigners fighting to save Brookfield Primary School in Cwmbran say they are furious a regeneration blueprint for the town -- handed to councillors last week -- includes future uses for the school site.

It's understood Brookfield was a late addition to the plans, which took 18 months to draft.

The Argus has seen a copy of the document, prepared for Torfaen council by consultants GVA Grimley. It shows five different options for the future redevelopment of Cwmbran town centre on a grand scale.

Each option shows possible uses for the site of Brookfield School, including housing or offices in the two preferred plans.

"This is scandalous. Coun- cillors are being asked to consider plans which include the redevelopment of the school site while we are still involved in a consultation process," said parent governor Paul Underwood.

He said: "How are they supposed to consider the future of our school and our children's education when these proposals are being waved in front of them? It just shows what we've always suspected -- the council wants the land."

Brookfield is one of three schools facing closure under a radical reorganisation by the LEA, in a bid to cut surplus places, currently standing at more than 1,600 in the borough.

Torfaen council has voted to begin consulting on the proposed closures. Campaigners, are consulting lawyers and preparing to take their case to education minister Jane Hutt.

Andy Fretter, Torfaen council's director for education, told the Argus revised documents had been issued to councillors, showing an option which retained the school. He said the site was "peripheral" to the major regeneration plans.

Cabinet members are being asked to formally consider three possible options for the town's regeneration at a meeting on Thursday.

"It is formal council policy to consult on school closures so from a planning perspective it would be ridiculous not to consider other uses for the site," said Mr Fretter.

But Torfaen's member for Llantarnam, Councillor Barbara Ryan said the late addition of Brookfield to the plans was "ill-advised".