CHILDREN are being put at risk by heavy traffic and speeding drivers in the West End area of Abercarn, local people claim.

Residents say that the volume and speed of traffic through the village is of great concern -- especially at the junction where the lane to Abercarn Primary School joins the main road.

They add the situation has been made worse by road- works on the A467 bypass, resulting in some motorists using the road through West End as a "rat run".

And since the former school crossing patroller retired, it has not been possible to find a replacement.

The residents have now signed a petition and handed it to their local councillors. Councillor Ken James and Denver Preece, presented it to Islwyn MP Don Touhig and Islwyn AM Irene James at the weekend.

Councillor James said he and Councillor Preece would be doing all they could to support the "reasonable request" for traffic-calming measures.

"The safety of our children must be our utmost priority," he said. Mr Touhig said: "I have been discussing this issue with residents for some time and I believe it is important that something is done.

"Lorries and cars are using the road as a rat run, which is extremely dangerous so close to the school.

"I have written to the council and the police to bring this issue to their attention."

Irene James added that while she was accepting the petition and meeting residents she witnessed a number of vehicles travelling at high speed.

"Fortunately no fatalities have occurred in this area but this is an accident waiting to happen, when young children attending the school have to cross this busy road with no crossing patrol or mechanical crossing available," she said.

Nobody at Gwent Police was available for comment.