POLICE are calling for a Newport school site to be closed after-hours in a bid to curb gangs of youths who residents say are "terrorising" them.

In the latest incident, officers were called to break up a gang of around 30 teenagers in the Heather Road area of St Julians on Friday night.

Locals said some of the group were drunk, throwing beer bottles, shouting, swearing and causing problems.

Now, in an effort to tackle the issue, police have recommended the St Julians Comprehensive School site is closed after school hours.

Inspector Mike Davies, of Maindee division, said: "We don't want to stop youngsters enjoying themselves but there have been a number of incidents of groups causing problems in the area recently.

"St Julians does attract a lot of youngsters and we believe there will be less of a problem if it was a closed site."

The call comes just weeks after an Argus crime survey found youth anti-social behaviour to be residents' number one fear.

St Julians is currently open at night for youngsters to use the outdoor sports facilities.

But over the past few months there have been several reports of criminal damage at the site and officers believe it may be encouraging anti-social behaviour.

John Moylan, who lives close to the school, said: "I have actually been to speak to the head teacher about closing the gates after hours but nothing has come of it.

"If they shut the main gates then the troublemakers would be locked out."