POLICE are investigating threatening letters sent to a Gwent councillor by an inmate at Cardiff prison.

Caerphilly Councillor Kevin Etheridge, pictured, from Blackwood, reported the first letter to the police when he received it just before Christmas.

And, after receiving a second letter recently, he has decided to make an official complaint about the prisoner.

Councillor Etheridge has written to Chief Superintendent Howard Rees, at Blackwood police station, asking what action is being taken as he is "seriously concerned" about the letters.

And he has also written to the governor at Cardiff Prison about the letters, which he says are from a man he has never met or had anything to do with.

"I would be obliged if these letters are stopped," he said.

In the second letter to Councillor Etheridge the prisoner, who is from the Blackwood area, writes: "I am going to lose my house, mate, and everything I own. If that happens then you will get a visit off me that is a promise.

"Just to say, remember you bumpt (sic) into me as I came out of Woolworths, how did you recognise me, the look on your face when you did, your (sic) a very frightened little man, and you should be." He accuses Councillor Etheridge of making complaints about him to the police.

The letter writer, who mistakenly says Councillor Etheridge is an Assembly Member, adds: "Resign from the Welsh Assembly right now send me an apology for your part by no later than January 12 or face being taken down publicly.

"We will meet again that you can depend on and on that day I had better have had your apology."

Councillor Etheridge said yesterday: "All these accusations are unfounded but to receive these letters is very worrying and distressing."

Chief Superintendent Rees said: "We are aware Councillor Etheridge has received a second letter and an inquiry is being carried out into the content of the letters to see if any offences have been committed. We will then take the appropriate action to deal with the incident."

A Home Office spokeswoman said that once HMP Cardiff is in receipt of the letters, "it will investigate this matter as a priority."