A ROGIET-based engineering support business is celebrating its first anniversary.

The rapid take-up of its on-site machinery repairs and maintenance service has encouraged its directors to plan a 150% increase in turnover in the next two years to £500,000.

R & R Site Services was launched by best pals Gareth Rendle and Andrew Rowsley.

Between them the men have created work for more than 20 sub-contractors and have plans to take on five permanent staff in the next few months.

R & R has been assisted by the Welsh Development Agency's Aspire Programme which is managed and delivered by CODA, a Newport-based management consultancy.

Aspire seeks to identify businesses with growth potential and support them with free business advice and mentoring.

Gareth Rendle said: "We saw the need to provide quality site support to local industry and with our backgrounds in engineering and teaching we realised we had all the skills needed to launch the company.

"The first year has surpassed all our expectations and we have developed a strong customer-base.

"We now need to recruit skilled engineers and tradesmen and certainly see more opportunities for employment in the years ahead."

A spokesperson for CODA said: "We are very impressed with what the company has achieved and are working with them on more initiatives to help them grow both organically and through acquisition."