GLAMORGAN batsmen Michael Powell believes England Academy's planned tour to Sri Lanka could be beneficial to the disaster-struck region.

The island republic is still coming to terms with the scale of death and devastation caused by the Boxing Day tsunami.

And with the infrastructure of Sri Lanka in chaos following the under sea earthquake sport is among the last things on the minds of a grieving nation.

But Gwent product Powell, part of the England Academy squad due to tour Dubai and Sri Lanka next month, hopes the trip is still able to go ahead.

The fate of the tour, which is set to also involve Powell's Glamorgan team-mate David Harrison, will be decided this week.

And the 27-year-old Welsh star understands that the logistics might well prevent the Sri Lankan leg of the tour from taking place, but is sure it could be of some cathartic help in the recovery of the people.

''I'd love to go and it would be great to tour out there but after what has happened it's all up in the air,'' admitted Powell.

''The devastation out there has been shocking, but maybe a tour like this might be something the country might need; something to look forward to.

''Cricket is huge in that part of the world and they treat it just as we treat football over here. So a tour out there in a month might be something for the people to look forward to. ''Having said that you can't comprehend what has happened to the people out there.

''There is so much to be done out there with the death, disease and famine, that cricket is way on the back burner for them in importance.

''But it would be nice if we could go and maybe put a few smiles back on faces.''