HOW cool is your car? We are not talking about street cred, but whether your car's cooling system is fit to tackle the demanding conditions of winter motoring without leaving you stranded by the roadside.

Flat batteries may still be the cause of most roadside breakdowns, but cooling system failures are the reason thousands of motorists grind to a halt each winter. Cracked hoses, sticking thermostats and lack of antifreeze can cause major engine seizing up this winter?

Vauxhall MasterFit Centres around the country are offering owners of Vauxhall cars and small vans a WinterCare inspection designed to detect any problems before they occur. For just £45 it includes a comprehensive series of cooling system checks and a six month warranty to provide owners with the peace of mind that any subsequent problems will be put right free of charge.

Vauxhall cars up to 10 years old with under 100,000 miles are eligible, plus Astravan, Combo and Corsavan. The WinterCare warranty is available from Vauxhall Retailers and MasterFit Centres until March 31 next year.