POLICE are becoming increasingly concern-ed after a pervert who terrified two young girls struck again.

Officers say the man has performed several indecent acts in broad daylight in the Rogerstone area and are becoming more worried about his "daring" behaviour.

In the latest incident at about 4.15pm on Tuesday a man described as in his 30s and with a large beer belly, exposed himself to a woman near Cefn Wood in Rog-erstone near the local police station.

And on Thursday September 23 a woman reported being followed by a man who then exposed himself and performed an indecent act near Newport Golf Club.

Police believe it is the same man responsible for an incident in St John's Cemetery in Rogerstone two weeks ago.

In that incident the man followed two young girls in the cemetery before exposing himself.

In all the incidents the man responsible is described as in his 30s and with a large beer belly and about 5ft 10in tall.

One report said he had a large bushy moustache and hair, although police believe these may have been false and used as a disguise.

PC Eddie Evans from Bettws police station said: "We are becoming concerned that this man's behaviour is becoming more and more daring and want to stop this offending before it becomes even more serious. "We would appeal for anyone with information to contact us."

If anyone has information they should contact PC Evans on 01633 245210.