HOUSEHOLDS in Gwent are due to find out if they will face even bigger council tax bills from next year.

Every home in Wales has been revalued for the first time since 1991, and notification of the new bands are being sent out from today.

The new valuations were carried out on April 1, 2003, and some people may find they have moved to a different band following big increases in house prices in recent years.

But the values of the bands has also been increased - band D is now £91,001 to £123,000 compared with the previous £51,001 to £66,000 - and a new band I has been introduced for properties worth more than £424,000.

Council taxpayers will receive a letter from the Valuation Office, a government agency, stating their new band, the previous band and an explanatory leaflet.

"Local authorities will use the new band to calculate council tax bills for the year 2005/2006 and bills will be issued in February/March 2005," said the agency.

House prices have shot up in Gwent in recent years but the value of the bands has also been increased.

About half of Wales' 1.3 million homes are expected to stay in the same band, a quarter to go up a band and the rest to go down a band.

New council tax bands (previous values in brackets).

Band A - up to £44,000 (up to £30,000).

Band B - £44,001-£65,000 (£30,001-£39,000).

Band C - £65,001-£91,000 (£39,001-£51,000).

Band D - £91,001-£123,000 (£51,001-£66,000).

Band E - £123,001-£162,000 (£66,001-£90,000).

Band F - £162,001-£223,000 (£90,001-£120,000).

Band G - £223,001-£324,000 (£120,001-£240,000).

Band H - £324,001-£424,000 (£240,001 and above).

Band I - £424,001 and over.