Below is a list of our services. To find out more contact us on 01633 838111

Working with young people in our community

Schools Liaison Programme - Gwent Police have written a comprehensive 15 programme scheme for young people in schools. The programme covers drugs education, community involvement and personal safety.

Drug Education - we will be happy to address a group, whether it be in college or at your employment to raise awareness about the dangers of drugs and what to look for if you suspect someone is involved in drugs.

Gwent Police partners Megadrive which is a pre-driver training scheme to instil a responsible and socially accepted attitude when using a motor vehicle on the road. Designed for youngsters aged 15-17.

Safety on the roads

Road Policing Department - will be able to give you advice on lawful use of vehicles and roads.

Bike Safe - an initiative run by Gwent Police aimed at educating motorcyclists and reducing casualties.

Serving our community

Gwent Bobby Van Trust - supported by Gwent Police working in partnership with the five local authorities of Gwent. The trust provides a free lock and security fitting service for victims of crime or for those who live in fear of crime, assisting the elderly and most vulnerable members of our community.

Alarms - the Community Safety Department administers alarms for over 115,000 alarm installations throughout the Gwent Policing area and can offer advice on alarm installation.

Nominated Neighbour Scheme - launched by Gwent Crime Reduction partnership to reduce distraction burglaries. By taking part, your more vulnerable neighbour will be able to show an unidentified caller the bright yellow card, which will direct them to your home.

Gwent Police work in partnership with Neighbourhood Watch which is run in conjunction with communities. Neighbourhood Watch is a vital element of crime prevention.

Architectural Liaison - liaises with local authorities to ensure Crime Prevention is considered when new buildings are constructed.

Ward Managers - Gwent Police are in the process of appointing a dedicated ward based police constable to each ward in the Gwent Force area to whom local issues and concerns can be taken directly.

Complaints and Discipline - If you have any complaints about officers' conduct please get in touch.

Specialist areas

Wildlife Crime Co-ordinator - with many rural locations across the regions, the work of a wildlife officer is crucial to ensure that crimes committed against animals and the environment are minimised and in appropriate cases detected and prosecuted.

Force Diversity Officer works from within the community safety department and works on and promotes diversity within the organisation and in particular on service delivery. The Department monitors, reports on and facilitates investigation into all aspects of hate crime where minority groups within the Gwent policing area have been targeted or victimised.

Family Support Unit - If you want to speak with someone regarding domestic violence or any family issues, please call in complete confidence.

Witness Support - The Witness Care Unit is a service that brings the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service together for the first time to jointly meet the individual needs of victims and witnesses. Please call 01633 245334.

Gwent Police refers victims of crime to Victim Support and their services range from visits to victims by trained volunteers to help in insurance claims, criminal injury compensation and attendance at court.

Please call:

Newport 01633 254091 Pontypool 01495 763798 Blackwood 01495 229659 Caerphilly 02920 857310 Upper Rhymney 01443 836002 Newport Crown Court 01633 222826