MONMOUTH'S carnival could be in jeopardy this year because of roadworks, organisers say.

As part of the ancillary works for the new Monnow Bridge, the access road to the Chippenham Mead Village Green has been realigned.

But carnival organisers believe that the fun fair and floats will not be able to enter the field.

David Harris, acting chairman of the carnival committee, said organisers are doubtful that it will be possible to swing a long trailer through the new gate and avoid the trees.

The county council say it is possible and they will do everything they can to ensure the carnival, scheduled for August 8, takes place.

Mr Harris said: "We as a committee are looking into this problem as well as the council. We are prepared to try and investigate solutions and work with the council to find the answer.

"Many other carnivals have disappeared through lack of enthusiasm and support. We are fighting to avoid this happening in Monmouth.

"We desperately want to grow the size of the procession, via floats and fancy dress entrants, and would like to rebuild interest in the pub and club section which has its own trophy and prizes."

Jenny Lewis, the council's area manager, said: "The council, through the One Stop Shop, will do everything it can to ensure that the carnival goes ahead as usual, and we are really upset to hear that the future of the carnival is doubtful.

"We are aware that there is some concern that lorries will not be able to swing around onto the green at Chippenham Mead as they have been used to doing.

"Our engineering team worked hard to change the road layout in the area when the carnival committee first raised this problem, and we are confident that the layout as it is now will be fine.

"However, could we appeal to any community-minded individual with a long-wheel-based, curtain-sided lorry, who has time to spare, to contact us at the One Stop Shop and perhaps we could borrow the vehicle to check out the situation."