* Size of constituency: 96 sq km

* Population of city: 137,011

* Electorate in constituency: 60,088

* Unemployed in city: 3,777

* Major cities and towns: Newport, Caerleon.

* Welsh Speakers: 2.7 per cent

Candidates: Conservative - William Graham; Labour - Rosemary Butler; Liberal Democrat - Phylip Hobson; Plaid Cymru - Tony Salkeld; UK Independence Party - Hugh Moelwyn-Hughes; Welsh Socialist Alliance Against the War - Richard Morse

Key to map:

1 Marshfield

2 Graig

3 Rogerstone

4 Bettws

5 Malpas

6 Shaftsbury

7 Caerleon

8 Allt-yr-yn

9 Stow Hill

10 Gaer

11 Pillgwenlly

12 Tredegar Park