A CHEPSTOW trader says he will not be driven out by thieves - despite being burgled more than 30 times in the last ten years.

Mick Mason (pictured), who runs key-cutting and engraving shop Cobbler's Cabin, in Rifleman's Way, says he has been broken into at least ten times in the last year alone.

The latest raid was on Sunday night, when thieves smashed their way through the front window, causing £1,000 worth of damage.

A number of golfing trophies were stolen, along with a working antique statue of a cobbler, named 'Fred' by local people, estimated to be worth £1,000.

But Mr Mason, who opened his shop in 1993, says he will not be forced out of the property.

He said: "I won't be forced out by this break-in, but I am going to have to make the shop more secure.

"There is not a man big enough to move me, but it is inconvenient to have to repair the shop all the time. I will make the shop more secure and I will have to put bars and grilles in here."

Mr Mason believes his business is vulnerable to break-ins because the premises is in a dark alleyway which is not covered by the town's CCTV system.

He installed a fake CCTV camera as a deterrent - but thieves have ripped that down.

Now he wants the police to back his calls for a CCTV camera in Rifleman's Way.

"The police do not have the manpower, and their limited resources have to cover Bulwark and all of the town centre," he said.

"The CCTV system is just in the high street and the majority of the problems are in the car park and in this alleyway.

"If they are going to go to the extent of having CCTV they should have it in all the town, not just in one area."

Police say they are aware of the incident in Rifleman's Way, and their inquiries are ongoing.

Anyone with information about the latest burglary can contact Chepstow police on 01633 838111.