FOR the last thirteen years Julia and Darrell Maynard have fostered over a dozen children, from toddlers to teens.

The couple, who moved to Llanyravon, Cwmbran, 11 years ago from London, have three children of their own, but still take in other children who need fostering.

They say there is often the misconception that mixed race couples cannot foster, and this puts a lot of people off.

Julia, 43, who is a full-time nurse at the Royal Gwent Hospital, said: "There are a lot of ethnic minority children who need fostering, and we are actually wanted more because we are mixed race. We have had about four mixed race children stay with us altogether."

The couple were even featured on a series of social services adverts and leaflets in Newport eight years ago, promoting mixed race foster parents.

Darrell, aged 42, is a physical training instructor at the police college in Cwmbran, and Welsh athletic team member.

He said: "We don't think of it in terms of race. The kids certainly don't notice, they treat it as the norm."

The length of time Julia and Darrell look after each foster child varies. Sometimes it's for a matter of weeks, but three children stayed with them for almost two years each.

The couple have three boys of their own; Joseph, 18, Thomas, 16 and Jordan, 17 months.

Julia said: "I just love children, I always have. Fostering is a wonderful experience, both for your own family and the children you take in. It's rewarding for all."

For more information on fostering call 01633 235425.