MORE than 13,000 schoolchildren will give the Queen a rapturous reception when she visits Newport next month - after getting the day off thanks to a council U-turn.

Head teachers at New-port Local Education Authority schools re-ceived a letter from chief education officer David Griffiths yesterday in-forming them that all pupils at infants, junior and primary schools will be off on June 13.

The letter represents a change of heart by Newport council after schools were informed in April that the day of the Queen's visit would be treated as a normal school day. Secondary school pupils are in for a disappointment - they are not getting a day off. But Mr Griffiths' letter adds: "Requests by parents to withdraw their children so that they can see the Queen should be treated sympathetically."

Councillor Tony Boswell, cabinet member for public affairs and chairman of Newport council's Jubilee committee, said: "This is a historic occasion for Newport and we felt it was important that all the little children had the opportunity to take part."

John Webb, head teacher at Gaer Junior School, said: "I know Mr Griffiths apologised for the lateness of the decision because we were all notified about a month ago that the 13th would be a normal school day.

"We already had permission to give pupils the day off - one little girl said she'd been picked to go on the day by the Guides, and I said she could. It's a special occasion for everyone and it's a wonderful opportunity - I'm hoping city status and the Queen's visit will give us a boost."