A TORFAEN teenager with designs on her own Golden Jubilee celebration has made a mug of the Queen.

Talented art student Alex Gazzard, 16, has created a toby jug of the Queen as part of her GCSE examination project at Fairwater High School in Cwmbran.

The 30cm-high pottery piece features a caricature of the Queen's face and the words Golden Jubilee Celebrations 2002 emblazoned around it.

It was made using a technique known as 'slab building', involving blocks of clay being placed on to a central cardboard tube to maintain the shape and form the design, before being fired like any other pottery.

Fairwater High's head of art Brian Evans said: "The piece is something special, a bit like the Spitting Image puppet of the Queen. All Alex's work is very individual, but this is a one-off piece."

The jug will take pride of place in a school exhibition until the exams are over, when its proud creator will take it home to start her own Jubilee collection.