TEENAGER Melanie Velline, who faces the bleak prospect of becoming ever more disabled by an incurable disease, is set to fulfil her biggest wish this summer.

Melanie, from Howe Circle, Ringland, New-0port, has a burning ambition to swim with dolphins, but a trip to the United States to do so - where there is a dolphin therapy centre - is impossible because of her illness.

She and her sister, Katie, suffer from Huntington's disease, which causes progressive disablement with no prospect of recovery.

They inherited the disease from their father, Tim, who was diagnosed in the 1990s - after they were born.

One by one, the condition causes the body's physical functions to shut down over ten to 20 years - the cause is not known and there is currently no known treatment.

Melanie hoped to be able to swim with dolphins in Florida, but her illness means she cannot go on the required long-haul flight.

Her disappointment was cushioned last autumn, when she was able to adopt a dolphin named Whiskey off the coast of Scotland.

Now, thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the firm ntl which supports it, Melanie will see her dreams come true in June.

The charity which aims to make the dreams of youngsters battling serious illnesses come true has discovered she can swim with dolphins in the Canaries.

It has arranged to take Melanie, aged 18, and her parents, Karen and Tim, by stretch limo to Gatwick airport to be jetted out for a week-long holiday in Gran Canaria, where she can fulfil her wish.

Sadly, because of her illness, sister Katie, aged 14, cannot join them. She will be spending a week at Ty Hafan Children's Hospice.

A delighted Mrs Velline told the Argus: "Melanie is really pleased. "It is a dream come true for her.

"I'm not sure which she's most excited about, swimming with the dolphins or getting into the limousine! I was trying to keep that part a secret, but she heard me talking about it on the phone!"

Maria Prosser, Make-A-Wish's regional development executive for Wales, said: "We found out she could swim with dolphins in Tenerife, and Melanie was elated when she was told."

The charity, founded in America, is now established in more than 22 countries. Its objective is to turn into reality the wishes of children aged between three and 18 living with life-threatening illnesses.

* Pictured: Melanie Velline with her mum Karen and a picture of her adopted dolphin Whiskey