THERE is life after steel, and its official! Newport & Gwent Enterprise with the aid of the Welsh Development Agency have run a series of courses aimed at helping former Corus steel workers start their own business.

And the courses, which have run over the last six months, have proved highly successful with more than 100 former workers from Llanwern steelworks attending the workshops at Newport & Gwent Enter-prises office at Enterprise Way in Newport.

Newport & Gwent Enterprise, have been providing advice for ex Corus workers since February 2001 and have ensured that a business advisory team is always available. Currently, the team consists of three full time advisers, Jon Hughes, Craig Tamplin and adviser/trainer Gwyn Jones, with first point contact provided by Anna Parry and the Newport Gateways Bethan Hughes.

Mr Hughes, the course programme manager, said: "The courses are there to help anyone from Corus who wishes to start their own business. Over the last six months we've helped start seven new businesses, with another 15 in the process of starting up. "The courses are part of a package funded through the National Assembly and the WDA. We can help potential businesses with all aspects of starting up, with courses on marketing, sales, book keeping, right through to a dedicated advisory team that will provide a one to one mentor for up to three years."

Any former Corus employee can contact the team and be assured they can see an adviser who will provide free, impartial and confidential advice on any idea they may have for starting a business.

*PICTURED: Trainer Gwyn Jones.