A BOMB disposal squad was called to Newport when a man discovered a wartime mortar shell in his back garden.

Gerald Andrews, aged 62, of Caerleon Road, was attempting to dig up a stubborn holly bush yesterday afternoon when he made his shock discovery - a six-inch by three-inch Second World War mortar shell.

Police stressed that the device had been unlikely to explode, but a bomb disposal unit from Hereford was brought in as a precaution and after making the rusty shell safe, took it away.

It was not known whether the device was live but Mr Andrews, who lives opposite a petrol station, was not taking any chances.

He said: "I was just digging away trying to get the roots up of a holly bush in my garden when I came across something.

"I managed to prise it out with a pick and discovered it was a shell. I was going to throw it in the bin but decided I should call the police just in case."

A Gwent Police spokesman said: "There was no need for evacuation. The bomb squad were contacted and attended the scene."