THE future of an international study into a lethal condition which killed a Newport woman hangs in the balance due to a lack of funding.

The World Health Organisation's study into deep vein thrombosis, the condition which killed Emma Christoffersen, still needs a further 10 million euros before it can begin.

So far only the UK and the EU have put money into the project, and Emma's mother, Ruth Christoffersen, has called for more action to raise the money needed.

"I do not understand why the USA cannot come up with the money to help. "It is 18 months since Emma died and this was made public, but still doors are getting closed in our face."

Vale of Glamorgan MP John Smith, who is campaigning with the Christ-offersens, said: "This is a crucial piece of work and could answer the question of how long-haul flights cause deep vein thrombosis.

"If it fails through lack of funding as I fear it may, the campaign will take a serious setback."