A PETITION calling for a new motorway junction to be built at Caldicot has been handed to Deputy First Minister Mike German.

Local traders have been calling for a separate intersection for Caldicot on the M48 as they believe it would help attract inward investment into the area.

A new junction would ease the traffic congestion that can build up on the busy B4245 through Magor, Undy and Rogiet.

The petition, which has more than 1,000 signatures of residents from Caldicot and Magor, was handed by locals to Mr German, the Liberal Democrat leader in the National Assembly, on the weekend.

Monmouthshire county council's highways departments has said installing the junction on the quiet M48, which runs past the town, is their "top priority".

The cost for building an intersection would lay with the National Assembly. Mr German said: "This is a part of the former Gwent that is surrounded by motorway but has no access to that facility nearby.

"A lot of people who live in the Caldicot area are commuters and access to the motorway would ease traffic congestion on local roads.

"And its own junction would also attract inward investment into Caldicot which is an ideal location for companies looking to come to South Wales." Mr German added he would hand the petition to the Assembly's environment minister Sue Essex.

Monmouthshire council has made several unsuccessful bids to Cardiff Bay for a junction at Caldicot.