BUBBLY - that's the one word that colleagues of Gwent's own Big Brother contestant use to describe her.

Staff at Classy Cutz hair salon in Fields Park Road, Newport, painted a picture of Helen Adams, who went into the Big Brother house on Friday, as an outgoing girl who likes to be the centre of attention.

They said she would miss her mum, boyfriend and pet dog - and some were concerned the 22-year-old hairdresser, who has never lived alone, would not cope easily with Big Brother watching her every move.

"It is totally mad," said Dionne Hobbs, a junior at the salon. "I never thought Helen would do it. I know she is bubbly and outrageous, but I can't picture her doing something like this."

But junior stylist Lisa Thomas said Helen, who also teaches dance, had always wanted to be famous.

"She thinks this is going to make her big, and it probably will," said Lisa. "She is bright, bubbly, and she has always wanted to do something like this. She is very ambitious. She loves being the centre of attention." Lisa described Helen as a "homey" person, who has never before left home. She lives in Cwmbran with her mother, Liz, and her Dalmatian dog, Ruby Razzle. She has been with her boyfriend, Gavin, who lives in Cardiff, for a year. "She adores her boyfriend," said Lisa. "She loves him to bits. They are always happy when they are together.

"Her main priorities are her mum, dancing, hairdressing and Gavin." Lisa said she wondered how Helen would fare in the Big Brother house without her make-up and hair accessories, and without using a pair of hairdressing scissors for ten weeks.

"She might shock us all," said Lisa. Helen admitted in her statement, released over the Internet before she went into the house, that she would miss Hello and Vogue magazines, high heels, glitter and handbags.

If she wins Big Brother, she says she will spend the cash prize on a trip to Florida. Lisa said Helen last visited Disneyworld in Florida in April last year, and had been before. "She loves Florida," said Lisa. "Helen is that type of person - everything has to be bigger."

Lisa thought Helen would take her mother, Gavin, the owners of the dance school where she works and their children to Florida if she won. "That's who she went with last April," she said.

Staff at the salon were told that Helen had been chosen as one of the ten Big Brother contestants last Wednesday, and were sworn to secrecy. "It was a shock, but we were pleased for her," said Lisa.

Beauty therapist Sarah Henson said when Helen was at work, she regularly dropped in to see what new make-up was available. "Her key word is 'stunning!'" said Sarah. "Anything glittery she loves. She's a glitter chick!"

While Helen is bubbly and outgoing, most of her spare time is taken up with dancing, said her friends.

She used to disco dance herself when she was younger, but now teaches children at classes in Cwmbran, they said.

"Because she dances and works here, she doesn't have time for much else," said Elizabeth Jenkins, a stylist who has known Helen for three years. "I think she will get pretty far. But I think she will definitely miss her mum and Gavin. It is going to be so completely different for her."

Elizabeth spoke of the shock the staff felt when they found out where Helen was. "We are all really pleased for her," she said. "But until we see her on the television it will not sink in."

Now they are planning a get-together - complete with champagne - to watch one of the episodes of the fly-on-the-wall series, which last year became compulsive viewing for millions around the country.

Marlene Young is a regular customer at the salon and always books Helen to style her hair.

She was disappointed to arrive for her appointment on Saturday and find her favourite stylist was in the Big Brother house in London.

"I was shocked," she said, "but I also thought it was wonderful - lovely news. I will be watching Big Brother now."