NEWPORT'S retiring captain Gary Teichmann marked his final game with a try as he led the Barbarians to 43-29 victory over a young, untried England side at Twickenham yesterday.

The Barbarians scored seven tries, England replying with four, and apart from Teichmann Adrian Garvey, Newport's second representative in the Baabaas team, also crossed.

Not for the first time, Jonah Lomu was the English tormentor, grabbing a try and creating two more to round off an unbeaten three-match tour by the Baabaas.

Also on the scoresheet was 35-year-old Jeremy Guscott, fittingly rounding off an illustrious career at Twickenham, even if England were this time the opponents. Amid the traditional Barbarians' ambitious style, England can be quietly pleased with themselves.

And as his 40-strong squad leaves for their three-Test tour to North America tomorrow, coach Clive Woodward can reflect on impressive displays from Leon Lloyd, Julian White and two-try star Paul Sampson.

But whether Simon Shaw and Ben Johnston will make the flight remains to be seen. Shaw limped off and try-scorer Johnston had to be stretchered away from the action, the worst casualties amid a series of niggling injuries sustained by a fledgling England squad already well stretched.

After high-scoring encounters against Wales and Scotland in the past week, a large crowd was expecting another points fest.

However, with vital lessons to be learned ahead of testing meetings against Canada and the United States over the next month, England should not have been looking to engage their visitors in such open combat.

But such is the exciting nature of the side Woodward has at his disposal - even with 18 Lions absentees - a fast, running game was always likely.