"THEY are probably thinking that Newport will be easy, but it would be nice to go up there and stuff them," - was Wasps skipper Steve Masters comment on their opening Premier League fixture against Newcastle Diamonds today.

Wasps had their wings well and truly clipped last weekend as they went down 47-43 to Reading Racers on Sunday, before taking a 64-26 hammering at Exeter Falcons on Monday to leave Masters fuming.

He was left so frustrated after the Racers' defeat at Hayley Stadium that he stormed into the Newport dressing room and barely spoke to his team-mates.

He said: "I took the defeat quite hard myself, in reality we should have had the race stitched up by heat ten, we should have been home and dry.

"They weren't as good as us on paper and especially as we were at home, we should have won, but it just didn't happen.

"It was a bitter pill to swallow and I don't like losing, I was fed up with my shoulder and the frustration got to me."

Masters has been given the all-clear to begin strengthening his shoulder in the gym after damaging the joint in a series of crashes, but the injury still gives him pain during meetings and he admitted he still isn't firing on all cylinders.

He said: "I hope that Newcastle will feel a backlash from the Newport team, the spirit in the side is still good, you can't really blame any one rider.

"I can't point the finger, I'm not riding as well as I should be, but things can only get better."

Masters last rode at Newcastle for Swindon in 1999 and took ten points from four races, but he thinks Newport will have their work cut-out this afternoon. He said: "They are a good side. Bjarne Pedersen won the Danish Open and Andre Compton, as well as Rob Grant are going well.

"It will take good rides more than just the top four Newport riders to get a win up there." The form book does not favour Newport who have yet to win away from home this season, but if they do get a win it will be at their ninth time of asking.