NEW York metal outfit Everytime I Die are coming to Newport, Armed with two formidable assault weapons - their breath-stealing new album Gutter Phenomenon and their devastating live shows - this upstate New York wrecking crew are poised to redefine underground heavy music.

Since the release of 2003's Hot Damn!, Every Time I Die has enjoyed slots on the Ozzfest and Download festivals, as well as touring with Dillinger Escape Plan, Lamb Of God, Unearth, Chimaira, and As I Lay Dying.

Hot Damn! was a breakthrough record for the band, and was the record that turned people's heads.

But Gutter Phenomenon is the Every Time I Die Record, quite possibly the yardstick by which their career will be measured.

Dirty guitar tones are quite prominent throughout Gutter Phenomenon. Stand out tracks, include Guitared And Feathered, a prototypical song, but bigger than anything they've ever done.

The New Black kicks off with a beer can being cracked open, while Champing At The Bit, featuring guest vocals from Glassjaw's Daryl Palumbo - has four-part harmonies.

They go to TJs on Saturday, May 20. Tickets cost £12.50. Call 01633 257 244.