THE mother of murdered Lemy Bullock said last night that justice had been done after her son's killers were jailed for a total of 60 years.

Speaking after the hearing at Cardiff crown court, Gwenda Bullock said the Pill community's help in coming forward to help the police convict her son's killers was a "turning point" for an area blighted by drugs and violence in recent years.

Mrs Bullock, 57, said: "I think justice has been done for the whole family and my son's killers have got what they deserved.

"Lemy's death hit us like a sledgehammer. It was devastating because he was such a part of us and brought us joy, love and laughter and we are all going to miss that until the day we die."

She paid tribute to the community. "The people of Pill have rallied round me and George and I think the judge, who was wonderful and didn't believe their lies, has sent out a message," she said. Mrs Bullock said: "The streets of Pill will be much safer now and this has brought its people closer together. They have shown they are willing to stand up for what's right and I think this has been a turning point." Speaking of killers Mo Nasser, Kent and Bruce she said: "I think Mo Nasser is evil and calculating. The others were led by him because of their inadequacies."

She added: "I would also like to thank the Argus for their wonderful tribute to Lemy and for their reporting of the case."

At the sentencing hearing yesterday, parts of a victim impact statement from Mr Bullock's mother were read to the court in which she spoke of the impact her son's death had upon her and her family.

She also spoke of the work she and her husband had carried out, working with the police, "to rid the area of drugs."

Mohammed Nasser, Aaron Kent and Martyn Bruce were given life sentences for the murder of the popular Pill man, 36, with a Samurai sword.Nasser, 44, of Kirby Lane, Newport, the gang's "dominant figure" was told he would have to serve at least 24 years in prison before being eligible for parole.

Bruce, 39, of Courtybella Gardens, described as a "hanger-on" eager to impress his friend, will have to serve 16 years. Kent, 24, of Livale Court, Bettws, called by the judge, Nasser's "loyal and willing lieutenant", will have to serve at least 20 years. He admitted the murder.