WOMEN in Newport are being urged to sign up for a self defence course because of fears in the area that a sex pest's offending could get worse.

Anxious Katherine Fraser is launching the five-week course in Rogerstone so that women can protect themselves.

But despite her efforts to publicise the lessons, only seven have put their names forward. The sex pest, who has exposed himself to a number of women in the area over the last year, struck again last weekend.

Gwent Police initially said that although the man had not threatened or harmed anyone so far, there was a chance he could commit more serious offences.

On Friday they said there was no indication that this was happening.

But Mrs Fraser, who is married to Ian, 44, and runs a doctors' recruitment agency from her home in Church Street, Rogerstone, said women in the area were worried the man was still at large.

"People are worried that he might do something to somebody because he has been around for a while," she said.

Mrs Fraser said the course, taken by a qualified instructor, Alun Williams, would teach self defence moves such as grabs and blocks, and raise awareness about issues including not walking home alone at night.

"Women are very busy with children and jobs, but taking time out to learn a few pointers about self defence could make a big difference," she said.

The mother-of-five said if the class took off she would look at providing similar sessions for children.

Gwent police are hunting a white, middle-aged man who exposed himself to a jogger last Sunday.

The incident happened when the woman was running in the Tregwilym industrial estate area at around 9.15am.

He is described as being aged around 45-50, around 5ft 10in tall, unshaven and having light-coloured, collar-length, scruffy hair.

Anyone with information can phone Gwent Police on 01633 838111.

For more information about the course, which starts on March 23 and is being held at the Redwood Club from 7pm to 9m every Thursday, phone 01633 781754.