WE are delighted to hear that a planned march by the so-called Welsh Defence League through Newport on Saturday has apparently been called off.

The march, ostensibly to protest against Islam, would probably have stirred up ugly scenes, with counter-protesters trying to mix it with the WDL.

In our view, fanatics of all sides should be ignored and the decent majority should go about their daily business without giving the troublemakers the reaction they crave.

The activities of far right groups are in the news at the moment, largely due to the appearance of BNP leader Nick Griffin on BBC Question Time on Thursday.

We hope that if he does appear, his attempts to cloak his agenda in respectability will be shown up for what they are and his party's racial separation policies will be fully exposed.

We also hope that any protests against his appearance will be peaceful, because any violence would undoubtedly support the BNP cause.