AN UNDY woman is getting into the Hallowe'en spirit with her own graveyard, slaughterhouse and witches cauldron.

Sarah Hawkins, 34, has taken three weeks to turn her Meadow Rise home into a house of horrors for her Hallowe'en party.

Open graves were strewn across the garden, where the dead have risen to walk the streets, the kitchen was transformed into a slaughter house and the living room was a cave with an electric chair and cauldron.

Around 40 guests braved house of horrors last night.

Miss Hawkins, a forensic scientist, spends around £200 each year and creates most of the props herself.

She said: “I’m a big horror fan and love all the classics like Nightmare on Elm Street. My birthday is two weeks after, so I go a bit mad at Hallowe'en and make it a kind of joint celebration.”

Miss Hawkins bought self-assembly cremation coffins from Ebay for £10 each.

After driving to Tunbridge Wells to pick them up, she has partially-buried them in her front garden to make it look like they were dug up by the dead returning to life.

Her back garden was also been transformed into a graveyard and is peppered with makeshift grave stones.

Miss Hawkins has held Halloween parties for the past 10 years and has accumulated most of the props, but says her friends are always excited about seeing the newest creations.