Blog number B: Just as there are rules which apply to everyone you may notice, as you get older, that there are rules followed only by individuals and which you know nothing about. My teenager follows a rule, or a sign I can't see, which says Please leave your brain, or at least your ability to communicate, outside the house at all times'.

This rule is followed slavishly despite my best efforts and I have found that the only way to get any understandable information is by text.

This is a much cheaper form of communication, costing only a few pence, since it means they aren't in front of you so can't ask for money at the same time.

My middle child has a different rule, all their own which states You must fall over as many household objects as you can and bump into anything and anyone within your vicinity.' This must be followed by cries of agony to try and get as much sympathy from the person nearest who is either laughing, also in agony, or just plain annoyed; this is usually me by the way.

My youngest follows that age old rule If you can't get your own way scream, shout and throw things', which never works but is, apparently, worth trying again and again.

If you ask other mothers about such phenomena they will tell you it is just a phase they are going through.

What they don't tell you is that after that phase there is always another one, which is probably as bad or worse than the one, you are trying to survive at the moment.

They also don't tell you that each child is different and prone to completely different phases to your last child.

Definitely nature not nurture is the rule here.

New parents be warned!