AN ANONYMOUS donation sparked the creation of a new religious icon which is set to be displayed in a Gwent church.

For the past week, renowned icon painter Ian Knowles has been working at Priory Church of St Mary in Usk painting an icon of Jesus Christ after he was commissioned by the church following an anonymous donation.

Reverend Julian Gray, who has been the vicar of the church for the past 10 years, said: "We had a very kind donation given to us about four years ago and the donor wanted a work of art commissioned for the church. After quite a bit of thought, we decided that an icon of Jesus Christ would be a good idea and the donor agreed.

"A former pupil of one of the members of the congregation, Elizabeth Baker, was an icon painter and we went from there."

Mr Knowles, who is based in Jordan and teaches iconography in Bethlehem, worked at the church for a week, during which the church held an 'icon week' so people could come and see how the process and how the painting was progressing.

Rev Gray said: "Ian sat painting at the back fo the church so he culd get a feel for the church and the colours and the atmosphere, so he was able to get it all into the icon."

Icons have been used as part of Christian worship for centuries and the use of colour in icon painting is very significant. Rev Gray said the icon was of Christ Pantokrator, which means 'Christ the all powerful.'

The icon measures 45 cm by 60 cems and will be placed on a stand and during services.