Hello all, Firstly I think maybe I should introduce myself... as if there is anyone reading this that is remotley like myself then 'you like to be a little bit nosey' or as I prefer to put it....'FINDING OUT ALL THE FACTS'.

Well firstly I'am 25 years old with 3 fantastic adorable children and a amazing partner, I'm from Pill and have lived in Newport all of my life.

Well I think my main reason for wanting to start a blog of my own was mainly because most of us spend a majority of our time 'surfing' around in all hope of just stumbling across something that might be of interest, or looking for somewhere that allows us to say what 'WE WANT' (so to speak), whether it's a view or an opinion on a certain subject or just something that you just feel like telling and sharing with others.

So I would like anyone who just wants to say their bit or tell a story relating to themselves, or even just what they have been or what they get up to on an average day.

Even if you just want to chat someone or want help or advice on anything in particular ...then maybe I could help or point you in the right direction ...

So basically you can tell me any old rubbish interesting or not I am not bothered ...