YOU’VE heard of taking coals to Newcastle, now a Monmouth vineyard is sending its produce down under to one of the biggest wine-producing countries in the world.

The award-winning organic Ancre Vineyard, Monmouth is believed to be the first in the UK to send its wine to Australia after owner, Richard Morris, 60, visited the southern hemisphere and came home with an order for his finest sparkling wine.

The family-run vineyard has won international-acclaim for its wine which will soon feature on restaurant menus in Melbourne and across the state of Victoria.

Mr Morris with wife Joy, 51 and son David, 28 are building a winery to add to their rapidly expanding business that has produced 24,000 bottles at the Three Choirs Winery in Gloucestershire over the past two years.

The family began planting in 2006 and run only the second bio-dynamic vineyard in the UK, which means all their wine is chemical free and they use natural goodness to keep their vines in top condition.

Mr Morris said they forage for wild herbs and spray the natural juice onto the vines to give them vital nutrients.

In addition, the Morris' use essential oils, talcum powder and clays to prevent disease, all with the aim of producing the finest quality product.

It has certainly paid off so far as they have won a number of awards, including a bronze medal from the International Wine and Spirit Competition and a silver medal in the Decanter World Wine Awards.

The vineyard benefits from having limestone rich soil similar to the renowned region in France where Chablis is produced.

Mr Morris recently appointed an agent in another addition to the business and his son David is going to New Zealand to work alongside leading biodynamic wine producer James Milton.

Mr Morris, a retired chartered accountant, said he is pleased with the progress his family are making.

"The Australia order is small but at least we have a foot in the door. The winery is the final piece in the jigsaw and after that we are hoping to expand the vineyard," he added.

Vineyard already has international awards

Ancre Hill Vineyard has won international acclaim. In 2010, Mr Morris took home a bronze medal from the International Wine and Spirit Competition and a silver medal in the Decanter World Wine Awards. His award-winning 2008 white Welsh regional wine was the first produced at the vineyard.

Other awards include a silver medal for their Welsh Regional Wine dry white 2009 and two bronze for its medium - dry white 2009 and 2008 at the English and Welsh Wine of the Year 2010.