TRIBUTES to pregnant teenager Nikitta Grender and her unborn daughter, Kelsey-May, continued to flood in as the community spoke of its relief that her murderer had been convicted.

Flowers lay along the wall outside Miss Grender’s boarded-up flat in Broadmead Park yesterday as members of the community paid their respects to the 19-year-old and her little girl.

One said: “Nikitta and baby Kelsey-May, you will be sadly missed by everyone.

Jade, Ashanta and all the family. RIP.”

Another said: “Thinking of you today and always. The Teppett family, Moorland Park. RIP Angels.”

Kerry Tucker, 32, who lives nearby, said she didn’t know Miss Grender but cried when she heard the man responsible for her death would spend decades in prison.

The mum of one said: ”I was crying when I found out the verdict. I was so happy.

“Everyone was talking about it when I went to pick my little girl up from school.

She’s been asking me questions about it and she’s only four. It’s so hard to explain.”

Neighbour, Marilyn Baugh, said the community was shocked when Miss Grender was murdered and she was pleased when she heard Carl Whant had been sentenced to a minimum of 35 years.

Gemma Bush, 54, of Moorland Park, said: “He got what he deserved. It was a relief that he was convicted.”

Friends and family also took to social networking site Facebook to leave their tributes to Miss Grender following Wednesday’s verdict.

Lucy Nock said: “Finally justice has been done. The sky can get brighter each and every day without a dark cloud. You can now rest in peace among the shining stars, but still a day does not go by without thinking of you beautiful angels up there.

Many thoughts go out to all family and friends. You are in a safe place now in safe arms. You will never be forgotten and you will always be sadly and truly missed and loved by all friends and family.”

Candice Tabbener said: “May you both rest in peace in god’s garden. Justice was done, though nothing will bring these two angels back.

You were finally freed today. Use those big beautiful wings to fly from cloud to cloud. My heart aches for your family and friends.

My prayers are with you all.

RIP Nikitta, Kelsey-May and Missy xxxxx.”

It is understood plans are underway to create a memorial in the grounds of the Newport East Community Centre.

‘Justice is served’ - Lliswerry councillor

LLISWERRY councillor Allan Morris said he believed justice had been served. He said: “Carl Whant will now have to live with the consequences of his actions. The community in that area should feel proud of how they came together during this very stressful time.

“Many attempts were made to build an image that it was a bad area and in reality it’s improved beyond recognition. Crime levels have dropped like a stone and anti-social behaviour has all but stopped. Nikitta Grender and Kelsey-May have left a legacy of a much-improved community.”

Fellow ward councillor Roger Jeavons said: “There is now time for the family to reflect and move on and I hope they can deal with it in quiet and calm from everybody, and try and get back to some sort of normal life.”

Sentenced to 35 years

South Wales Argus: QUESTIONED: Carl Whant

EVIL: Carl Whant

CARL Whant, 27, of no fixed address, was jailed for a minimum of 35 years on Wednesday after a jury of seven men and five women took just over four hours to convict him of murdering Miss Grender, destroying her unborn child, Kelsey-May, rape and arson, in the early hours of February 5 last year.

Mr Justice John Griffith Williams branded Whant a “calculating, vain and devious individual” as he handed down the sentence.

Miss Grender’s body was found in the bedroom of the flat she shared with boyfriend, Ryan Mayes, 19, in Broadmead Park, Lliswerry.