TWO Cwmbran pensioners who have supported rugby in Newport for 70 years were named winners of our competition to find Newport Gwent Dragons’ biggest fans.

Season ticket-holders Gerry and Margaret Lewis, 80 and 79 respectively, will enjoy an allexpenses- paid trip to Italy to see the Dragons take on Aironi at the Stadio Zafanella, in Viadana, this Sunday.

The pair, who never miss a match if they can help it, say the trip is a great early present to help them celebrate 55 years of marriage on March 16.

Mr Lewis said the couple never expected to win and thanked the Argus for choosing them.

He said: “We are over the moon.

We have got our shirts all ready and we are all ready to go.

“It’s lovely to win something because we never win anything.

“We are really looking forward to it – and to support the Dragons as well, we are really chuffed.”

Mr Lewis went to his first Newport RFC game aged five, and says he loves nothing more than to soak up the atmosphere on match day.

Mrs Lewis has followed the region’s rugby since she was a teenager, inspired by her father, who was an assistant to then head groundsman Fred Cox.

RaboDirect PRO12 sponsors Specsavers teamed up with the South Wales Argus to offer the prize, which includes flights, two nights’ accommodation at a fourstar hotel, match tickets plus £300 spending money.