WELL-WISHERS from around the globe have raised £1,500 towards the care of a dog found dying in a valleys street.

People from as far away as America and the Netherlands have clubbed together to fund the care of three-year-old Blue Boi who was found severely underweight with deep back sores in Blaina on Sunday.

One woman in Amsterdam who read about his story on the Facebook page of Vale Cat Rescue, where he is being cared for, wrote how he inspired her to donated bedding and food to her local animal shelter.

Manager Diane Selway said she was “completely overwhelmed” by people’s generosity.

She said: “It’s just unbelievable that one little dog can stir so many people."

"He’s gone global, he’s quite a star and I feel privileged to look after him.”

Ms Selway added she had been inundated with calls of support and Blue Boi's story had provided the centre, which relies on volunteers, some much needed awareness.

The lurcher, who is half the weight he should be, was found near the Tyler Arms pub in Blaina on Sunday.

Gwent Police are investigating and the RSPCA had been informed. Anyone with information is asked to call 101.

Anyone wishing to make donations can do via Paypal at valecatrescue.com or by calling 01495 371022.