A NEWBRIDGE man is helping to front a new police campaign tackling metal theft.

Keith Miles, pictured, a member of the Royal British Legion branch in Newbridge, is one of three people helping the four Welsh police forces raise awareness of the impact of such crimes.

In December 2010, thieves stole a bronze plaque off Crumlin war memorial. It has since been replaced by a marble plaque.

Mr Miles, who served as a corporal in the RAF, said: “We’ve got people fighting for us in foreign countries, then people at home committing acts like this.”

The campaign aims to encourage the public to report information to the police if they see anything unusual, such as unknown vans or unexpected workmen.

Crime prevention advice is being issued and the messages will also be broadcast on social networking sites and local radio station.

If a metal theft incident is ongoing, call 999. In a nonemergency call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.