NEWPORT Riverfront’s gallery area will play host to a free exhibition during September capturing chaotic echoes of a prominent building of Newport’s history taken almost a decade ago.

In 2003, Jo Haycock joined a BBC Radio Wales crewwho were recording a programme Art College Days about the derelict listed building that was Newport Art College. The college was classed as something of a cultural mecca in its heyday – where Magnum photographer, David Hurn founded the world class Documentary Photography course back in the 1970s.

Jo and the crew went with Hurn and fellow lecturers as they walked over broken glass and discarded film reels recording their stories and anecdotes of time spent there. The photos Jo took that day of the building itself capture the majestic neglect, ghostly corridors, vandalism and living quarters of squatters back then.

Art College Days by Jo Haycock will be on display at the Riverfront art gallery from September 15 to October 6. Entry will be free.