The full launch of Newport’s Super-Connected Cities project is rapidly approaching.

The last details of the project are now all being finalised and the first applications to benefit from the scheme are being received by the project team.

Last week, the team met with potential suppliers, keen to deliver the new generation of broadband services to in Newport to make sure we’re all working together to make the project as successful as possible.

Over the next few years, superfast broadband is going to change the world.

Improved internet access really does have the power to transform every aspect of our lives.

One of the most important aspects is the development of cloud computing. This can change any part of our environment by giving it the power to 'think'.

Our homes, for example will be safer, more efficient and more secure as computer systems constantly monitor hundreds of sensors to ensure everything is as it should be.

Even mundane every-day things like finding a parking space will be simpler with real-time monitoring and management of spaces.

The Super-Connected Cities project means that Newport can be at the forefront of these developments – not just benefitting from the changes that superfast broadband will bring, but crucially our businesses have the chance to benefit from the huge commercial opportunities behind these life changing developments.

The project aims to benefit all businesses in the city, with grants of up to £3,000 available to all SMEs and social enterprises. The official launch event on January 30 at the University of South Wales will give everyone the opportunity to find out more about the benefits of superfast broadband, and to get help in accessing the funding.

Register to attend now at