We were very fortunate to welcome Cardiff Airport’s chief executive officer Jon Horne to speak at the IoD’s First Wednesday Club last week.

It was insightful to hear his overview of what’s going on at the airport at this key stage for the Welsh economy.

It was also interesting to hear Jon lay out the progress made at the airport during its first year of Welsh Government ownership.

I often wonder what would have been the future of the airport without the government’s intervention. The Welsh Government took a bold step when it became involved and the airport has seen many changes since then. Jon has the tenacity and burning desire to really make this government-backed asset work for the benefit of the Welsh economy.

Cardiff Airport is a crucial entry point to Wales and I know from my conversations with Jon and his team that there are many plans afoot and substantial investment planned for the building’s interior as well as the exterior. Jon also outlined stemming customer decline as a major focus for his team. This has unfortunately been the case for the last five years, but has been addressed by various meetings with customer airlines to reassure them of the airport’s viability.

Passenger numbers increased from 1,017,000 in 2012 to 1,059,000 in 2013 which included an 8% increase from May to December 2013.

In a previous life I worked for an advertising agency and Cardiff Airport was one of my main clients. Belfast International Airport was also a client back then and I have always maintained an interest in the ways in which the airport has evolved.

The main thrust of my work with Cardiff Airport was route development and it’s no surprise to recognise that the same mantra is still a key part of the business in Rhoose.

Success now will be based on sustainability – the airport is like any other business and its success is dependent on retaining existing clients while attracting and winning new ones. Marketing has to be right, but the product has to be right for marketing to be a success.

It is important that world leaders get the right impression of Wales when they travel to Cardiff Airport for September’s NATO Summit at the Celtic Manor Resort.

It will certainly provide a golden opportunity to shine on the world stage.