Extra spaces have become available for a special ‘Bring Your Brain to Breakfast’ business event in Newport next week.

Christopher Rowell, project manager at architects Architen Landrell Associates, and Dr Gareth Loudon, of Innovation Forum Ltd, will explore how innovation can impact on leadership and management.

The event, organised by Leadership & Management Wales, takes place at the Hilton Hotel Newport, Chepstow Road, Langstone, on March 14.

It runs from 8am-10am and includes group discussion, networking and a light breakfast. Places are free, but must be booked in advance at www.lmw.org.uk or the LMW Cardiff office on 029 2087 6560.

The event had been fully booked, but a few extra places have become available following cancellations.

Leadership & Management Wales is the centre for excellence for leadership and management skills in Wales, funded by the Welsh Government and European Social Fund, to benefit businesses of all sizes and sectors across Wales.

It is run by a consortium, led by Cardiff Business School, and including Aberystwyth University, Glyndwr University and Tattum Guest Associates Ltd.