HUNDREDS of people came out to support a Caldicot soldier yesterday as he continued his fundraising march to London.

Sergeant Rob Wadley of the 2nd Battalion the Royal Welsh and four other soldiers are trekking from Cardiff to London as part of the Royal British Legion's March of Honour campaign.

Yesterday the team completed their second leg of the journey from Newport to Bristol, and were greeted by people waving Welsh flags and calling out words of support as they speed marched carrying 40lb backpacks down the Caldicot bypass.

Mr Wadley was greeted by high-fiving pupils from West End Infant School and Durand Primary School in the village, as well as residents who had come to wish him and the others well.

His mother Kay Wadley said she was ecstatic with the support shown for her son.

It had been her idea for the group, who originally intended to head down the A48 through Caerwent, to march into Caldicot instead.

Dad-of-three Mr Wadley, 31, has been in the Army for over 12 years.

He completed three tours in Iraq, and experienced first hand the impact of casualties and deaths on the Battallion.

Mum Mrs Wadley said: "From a child all he ever wanted to do was go to the Army. He joined at 16."

She said she would be "on pins" when he was away in Iraq: "If something bad happened he would always try to ring me. He'd always find someway of contacting me."

Sgt Wadley was delighted with the crowds in Caldicot: "The support here is fantastic. People have been stopping to give money the whole way around."

The son of Lorraine Griffiths, 64, Owen Woodford is also in the forces, having served in Afghanistan himself in 2008.

"Everyone has to be behind them. They are doing such a brilliant job," she said.

THE March of Honour campaign is aiming to raise £1 million for this year's Poppy Appeal.

As well as the Army team, which Rob Wadley is a part of, groups from the RAF, Royal Marines and Navy are marching across the UK.

Yesterday marchers Rob Wadley, Major Richard Arden of Liverpool, Warrant Officer Class 2 Kev Allen of Telford, Sergeant Pat Audas of Hull and and Lance Corporal Gareth Mathias were waved off by council workers at Newport Civic Centre at 8.30am.

Marching into Caldicot at 12.15pm, Mr Wadley and the four others continued on over the Bridge, arriving in Bristol last night.

All the teams are due to arrive in London's Royal Albert Hall on November 11.