THERE has been a lot of press lately about the state of the High Street in Newport.

Personally, I still use the High Street as much as possible and last year was made redundant from a much loved job on the High Street due to downsizing. However, I feel that it is also important to support your LOCAL High Street. The place where you live, where your children go to school, where you yourself have perhaps grown up.
My family own The Giftbox in Caerleon which is facing closure due to the lack of use by local residents. All our efforts are now concentrated on trying to save our business, which is our only income. At present we are barely making enough to survive, and this is no exaggeration.
How sad is it that in today’s market a family business barely makes it through a year when in previous times a business could last for generations. We ask you to create a new campaign - #SaveOurLocalHighStreet.
Hannah Claffey
Woodland Rd